Tuesday, April 4th

Deadlift: 15 minutes 1×5 at 65% rest 60-90s 2×5 at 70% rest 60-90s 1×5 at 75% rest 60-90s 1 max set at 75%

Strength – we’re going to be doing 5 sets at 65 to 75%. First 4 sets should be sets of 5 at two percentages. The final set will be a max effort set to form failure, so we should see an increase in reps overall here.

4RFT (14 min cap) 200m run 6 Deadlifts 185/135 | 155/105 | 115/85 4 Hang Power Clean 185/135 | 155/105 | 115/85 4 S2O 185/135 | 155/105 | 115/85

Workout – Cycling a heavy version of DT today with a goal of going unbroken -1, meaning we can drop on the 5th deadlift, and if needed on the 3rd clean. Use the run as a moderate recovery as most our time will be on the barbell. *Scaling should find a weight that they can complete 3 unbroken hang power cleans and 4 unbroken S2O for the weight.