Wednesday, March 8th

For Time: 20 min cap 50-40-30-20-10 Barbell Strict Press 45/35 | light DBs Calorie Row Wall Balls 20/14 | 14/10 | 10/6

Large volume triplet today. The rX weight for the strict press is an empty barbell, so we should be able to do 20-30 reps on our first set here. We can scale to a trainer bar or light DBs. Row should be at a moderate to fast pace (think our 2000m row pace) and wall balls should be done in quick, multiple sets.

Core: 3 rounds 10 med ball hanging knee raise 10 Rower Pike Ups/holds/pike push up holds

Core: Med ball knee raises can be done with a lighter weight than we used in our workout as they should be performed slow and controlled with no kipping. Rower pike ups can be modified to a single hold for 20-30s or a pike position hold on the floor.