Tuesday, March 7th

Deadlifts: 4×5 at 65%, rest 60-90s 1 max rep set at 65%

Strength – we’re going to be doing 5 sets at 65%. First 4 sets should be sets of 5 which is fairly conservative for the percentage. The final set will be a max effort set to form failure, so we should see an increase in reps overall here.

For Time: 13 min cap 15-10-5 Dual DB Hang Power Clean Dual DB Front Squat Dual DB S2O Rx 50/35 mRx 35/20 scale 25/10 ***Run 200m after each round***

Workout – we’re going to be practicing double dumbbell movements today. Our goaal is to complete each movement in each round in no more than 3, 2, or 1 set respectively with short breaks. The run is there to give your arms and grip a break, so take it slow here and attack the DBs.