Monday, February 27th

Bench Press – 4×8 at 60, 65, 70, 70%

Strength – bench will allow us to open up our pecs to get ready for both movements we have in our gymnasty conditioning. Last two sets should be challenging but doable.

Gymnasty: AMRAP 5: Max Toes To Bar | K2E | Knee Raise/Lying Leg Raise Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 5: Max Handstand Push Ups | 1-2 mats | Pike Push Ups or Z Press ***Both AMRAPS have every minute on the minute 9 Deadlifts 185/135 | 155/105 | 135/95, starting at 0:00***

Conditioning: we’ll be performing two 5 minute AMRAPs in which only one movement is the focus. We’ll perform 9 deadlifts to start, then use the rest of the minute to complete as many ttb or hspu as possible, returning to the deadlifts at the top of every minute. The legs will fatigue so use your core and hip drive as much as possible on both movements.