Thursday, February 23rd

Ring MU – Spend ~ 10 minutes working on kipping drills then ~ 5 minutes to perform 3 max effort super sets of strict ring pull ups/ring rows + ring dips, rest 60s between sets. Ring MU – EMOM for 10 – perform 30% of max ring MU

AMRAP 3: 3 Ring MU / MU progressions | 3 pull ups + 3 dips 30 DU/30 SU Rest 60s Repeat twice

Workout – We will be performing ring MU or MU progressions found in part one for the workout. For those that have some MUs, okay to scale number down to 2 or 1 per round. AMRAP 3 (looking for 2-3 rounds), rest 60s, repeat twice for a total of 11 minutes on the clock.