Monday, February 20th

Deadlift – 4×3 at 70-75% w/ 3 second pause 2″ off ground

Strength – we’re going to be incorporating a 3 second pause right after pulling the bar off the ground to establish control and consistency with our brace. If we are not braced properly this pause will scream at us for instability. Don’t rush it!

For time: 15 min cap 50 Goblet Squats 50/35 | 35/20 | 25/15 40 Single Arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35 | 35/20 | 25/15 30 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ | Step Overs | lower height. 20 Double Dumbell Push Press 50/35 | 35/20 | 25/15 10 Single Arm DB Devil’s Press 50/35 | 35/20 | 25/15

Workout – chipper with descending reps using just a dumbell and a box. Looking to keep larger sets throughout (10+) to get through this as quick as possible. C&Js will switch arms every 5 reps.