Thursday, February 9th

Handstand Walk Skill Work – ~15 minutes

Skill work – working on practicing HS Walks. For those proficient, set up a course based on skill. For those that are not close to walks, practice wall facing handstand holds, lifting one leg off at a time as far as possible to work on balance and stability. Also practice gymnastic style bear crawls.

3RFT: 12 min cap 12 Deadlifts 225/155 50′ HS Walk / 200′ Bear Crawl 25 Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53

Workout – large volume of core here today between the deadlifts and the KBS, which for even those with proficient HS Walks will challenge us. Break up the KB swings and/or deadlifts to ensure we can manage our walks or scale!

10 minutes shoulder mobility