Wednesday, January 18th


Every 90s for 6 rounds (9 minutes)
1 Hang Squat Snatch at 60% of 1RM
1 Squat Snatch
3 Overhead Squats

Note: Keep a little lighter today to work on comfort catching lower than going really heavy and sacrificing form. Goal is to not reset your feet after the second snatch and go straight into your overhead squats.


3 Rounds For Quality, not time
15 Deadlifts 135/95
50′ Slow Front Rack KB Walks 44/26
250m Row
15 Dual KB Push Press 44/26
50′ Slow Overhead KB Walks 44/26

Note: no scores are to be posted. The slower and more controlled on the walks, the more the athlete will get out of it. Treat the walks like a DUI checkpoint and focus on core and stability one foot in front of the other and no leaning.