Tuesday, December 20th

Strength: Deadlift 2×3 ~ 85% 2×2 ~ 90% 2×1 ~ 95-100%

Deadlifts – we’re going to be going heavy today, so its okay to push for a new max if feeling good on the singles, but we are focused primarily on heavy lifting with some volume.

Conditioning: AMRAP 4: 7 Squat Cleans 95/65 20 DU/40SU Rest 2 min AMRAP 4: 5 Squat Cleans 115/85 20 DU/40SU Rest 2 min AMRAP 4: 3 Squat Cleans 135/95 20DU/40SU

Workout -We’re going to be combining some quick, lighter squat cleans with a low amout of double unders to work on quick transitions and cycling. If members scale weight they should be increasing each round by at least 10lbs each round. Work on quick transitions. Example 75/55 – 85/65 – 95/75. Weights should ideally unbroken for all 3 AMRAPs!