Tuesday, December 13th

Weightlifting: Push Jerk 3×3 Touch and Go (~65-75% 1RM jerk) 3×3 Singles (reset in front rack ~75-85%

For the Push Jerk, the first 3 sets of 3 should be one weight as heavy as possible while maintaining touch and go (okay to pause at the top but as soon as the bar touches chest on 2 & 3 you should be dipping and driving. The Second series of 3×3 should be an increased in weight allowing for a pause at the bottom of each weight. Percentages will vary for many, what is written is a recommended range.

Conditioning: AMRAP 10 8 Power Cleans 135/95 | 115/75 | 95/65 8 Shoulder to overhead 135/95 | 115/75 | 95/65 10 Hand Release Push Ups 30 DU/90 SU

Workout: Scale weight accordingly to maintain proper form. Weight should be something that we can start off unbroken (7 cleans, rest, one clean + 8 overheads), but our shoulders will fatigue quickly with the push ups added and two sets may be more effective.