Saturday, December 10th

Teams of 2: AMRAP 24 10 Wall Balls 20/14 10 KBS 53/35 | 35/26 5 Power Cleans ***One partner does one full round while other partner runs 200m*** Barbell weights go up every 4 rounds 95/65 | 75/55 135/95 | 95/65 155/105 | 115/75 185/125 | 135/95 205/155 | 155/105 225/175 | 175/125 245/185 | 185/135 275/195 | 205/155\
Workout – Partner A has to finish one full round while the other partner runs 200m. Whoever finishes first rests until the other partner finishes a full round. Repeat at the same weight one more time (2 rounds a piece) then add weight.