Monday, August 8th

Conditioning: Every 8 minutes, for 32 minutes (4 sets) for times: 800 Meter Run 20 Pull-Ups 10 Power Cleans 185/135 | 155/105 | 95/65

Today’s workout is going to be a longer, interval based conditioning. We expect to break down in the cleans and/or pull ups, so lets set a moderate pace on the run that allows us to come directly in and get onto the rig. We’re looking for 90s – 2 minutes of rest per round. Scale the run down to 600m or 400m if not being completed in under 4 min 30 seconds. Scale the reps down on the pull ups to 15 or 10 if needed, these should be done in ~ 60-75s each round. Can be dropped to ring rows as well.