Monday, July 18th

Strength: 4 Supersets: Strict Pull Ups to failure Lateral DB Shoulder Fly – 10 reps Rest 90s

Strength – We’re going until complete (form) failure on our pull ups today as our accessory combination is light lateral DB shoulder flies. Use lighter DBs and focus on contracting with your delts rather than just lifting your arms up.

Conditioning: For Time: (15 min cap) 45/35 Cal Row 30 Wall Balls 15 TTB 30/24 Cal Row 20 Wall Balls 10 TTB 15/12 Cal Row 10 Wall Balls 5 TTB

Workout – A descending rep triplet with the brunt of the work in the first round. We’re looking to set a quick pace on the row and limiting our breaks on the WB/TTB.