Monday, March 28th

**Murph Prep #1 will be on Wednesday, bring your weight vest!**

Strength – Dumbbell Death March – 4×25′

Strength – we’re going to be doing a new movement, the DB death march. Essentially this will be a walking, stagger stanced DB romanian deadlift where every step forward you will do a straight leg deadlift, hinge back up, step forward and repeat.

Conditioning: For 2 cycles: AMRAP in 12 mins of: Row, 1000/800 m 40 Dumbbell Walking Lunges, 50/35 lbs 30 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans, 50/35 lbs 20 Double Dumbbell Push Press, 50/35 lbs Rest 3 mins between each cycle. For each cycle restart the AMRAP.

We have an AMRAP repeat today with a heavy focus on grip today. Our goal is to come out with a steady, consistent pace on the first AMRAP, and to match or beat our score on the second time through. Reps are high for a reason, we don’t want to spend all of our time on the rower.