Monday, January 10th

Gymnastic Strength: Weighted Pull Ups – 4×5

Strength: weighted pull ups can be performed with a weight belt or DB held between knees or feet. For scaling, we want to find a strict pull up variation that uses less bands than we use in a workout, even if that means completely the 5 in multiple mini-sets.

Conditioning: For Time: (15 min cap) 50/40 Cal Row 50 Single DB Hang Snatch 50/35 25 Burpees over DB 50 Single DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35 50/40 Cal Row

Workout: We are switching hands every 5 reps for both the hang snatch and the hang C&Js. Our goal is to complete these in 2-3 sets for both DB movements. In order to finish this workout we should be pushing to complete each section in 3 minutes or less.