Friday, December 17th

Strength: Tempo Bench Press – 5×4

First rep performed at 53X1,
Second rep performed at 5XX1,
Last two reps at normal pace.
Build from 60-75%

We’ve performed this rep scheme for our squats, first rep is with a 5 second negative, 3 second pause. Remember to stay engaged throughout the pause and try not to “reinitiate” the press by relaxing and then pressing. Second rep 5 second negative no pause, last two reps at pace. Build from 60-75%

Conditioning: For Time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps, for time of: Double Dumbbell Front Squat, 50/35 lbs Burpee Over Dumbbell

We’re really going to push our legs in this workout, so lets slow our burpee pace down and focus on consistency. The DBs should be a weight that we can manage every set unbroken with minimal transition time from the burpees.