Tuesday, December 14th

Weightlifting: 4×5 Snatch Pull at 90-95% 1RM

Weightlifting: Our goal today is to build strength and power through the proper pulling positions. Try not to let go of the bar at any point, but it is okay to drop and reset your hips between each pull. Initiate each drive with a nice neutral foot, driving through the quads and finishing with a vertical pull on your toes. We should not see any rise in the torso until the bar reaches your knees on the pull. Rest 2 min between sets.

Conditioning: Ingrid 10 rounds for time of: 3 Snatches, 135/95 lbs 3 Burpees Over Bar

Workout: we’re testing out Ingrid today, which was released in the past year as an official named “Girl” workout by Crossfit. The snatches we expect for most to be quick singles, allowing us to push the burpees. Scale weight is 115/85 > 95/65 > 75/55