Wednesday, December 8th

Weightlifting: Jerk work: 5×2 of 1 Jerk Drives + 1 Split Jerk @ 70%

Weightlifting: We will be doing one Jerk dip and drive, followed by one split jerk, and repeating it once more before racking the barbell. Jerk drive: we want to pull our hips back before dipping, sending the knees out and keeping them from tracking past our toes, then aggressive firing the hips up and pushing our chest back to separate the bar from the chest. Then focus on repeating the foundation and finishing into the split jerk.

Conditioning: 4RFT 200m run 5 Bar Muscle Ups or 5 Pull Ups + 5 dips 30 DU/60 SU 10 Push Press 115/85

Workout – we want this workout to be able ot performed unbroken, so scale the MU down to a number that we can perform unbroken each round if we are not confident in that. We should be using the run as our recovery.