Monday, October 4th

**Reminder! Come join the CompTrain team from 4pm-6pm as they visit the gym!**

Gymnastics Skill: E2MOM for 12 (6 sets) 3 Wall Walks 30 DU/60 SU

Gymnastic Strength today is a riff on Open 21.1. We are looking for an amount of wall walks and jump rope that we can complete within 60s for the first minute, with subsequent rounds taking longer with a challenging final round. All wall walks should be scaled to the highest height of walk first (even if it only means kicking feet up one or two steps from the start) before switching to around-the-worlds on a box.

Conditioning: Alt EMOM 16: Minute 1: 15/12 Calorie Row Minute 2: 15 Wall Balls 20/14 Minute 3: 8 Clean and Jerks 115/75 Minute 4: 30s Weighted Plank 35/25

Workout – we’re looking to have ~20-30s rest on everything except the rower which we’ll have to push to meet our calories. Scale weight or reps accordingly to meet that threshhold on round 1. Unlike Friday’s EMOM workout, we do not have built in rest so we will need to keep our breathing under control and earn a little recovery every minute.