Thursday, September 30th

Strength: Pressing Superset: 4 sets 6-8 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Strict Press 6-8 DB Front Shoulder Raise (together)

Strength: Working on two weaknesses we have. 1) Driving through the traps/shoulder blades from behind the neck and 2) Front Delt Strength (weakest part of our handstand push ups. We are not alternating our raises as we tend to lean into it when we do so, raise them both to about 45 degrees above parallel.

Conditioning: AMRAP 12 5 Tall Box Jump Overs 30″/24″ 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/65 15 Wall Balls

Today’s workout our goal is to tackle each movement unbroken and maintain the entire 12 minutes. Move with a purpose but know that 12 minutes will feel like a long time and we don’t want any large breaks here.