Tuesday, September 14th

Pressing Strength: 4 sets of: 4 DB Strict Press (standing) 6 DB Push Press 8 DB Push Ups

Strength: We are working on unilateral pressing strength here with the DBs. Focus on controlled, even movements throughout. Our strict press should be heavy, requiring us to switch to the push press and then switching from shoulders to chest on the push ups.

Conditioning: AMRAP 3: 15 Thrusters 75/55 25 DU/50SU Rest 2 min AMRAP 3: 12 Thrusters 95/65 25 DU/50SU Rest 2 min AMRAP 3: 9 Thrusters 115/85 25 DU/50SU

Workout – we purposely fatigued our arms and shoulders in our strength today so that we can focus on utilizing the aggressive legs and hip drive to send the bar overhead, not relying on our arms.

*Total of 13 min, 9 working minutes, 4 minutes of rest*