Saturday, August 7th

WOD: In teams of 2: For Time:

Partner 1: 800m Run. Partner 2: AMRAP Power Snatch 95/65 in the time it takes Partner 1 to complete their run. Immediately switch and repeat. Rest 60s after both partners have completed a run and an AMRAP. THEN

Partner 1: 1000m Row. Partner 2: AMRAP Back Squats 95/65 in the time it takes Partner 1 to complete their row. Immediately switch and repeat. Rest 60s after both partners have completed a row and an AMRAP. THEN

Partner 1: 2400m Assault Bike. Partner 2: AMRAP Handstand Push ups or Hand Release Push ups. Immediately switch and repeat.

**No Pike Push Ups or Z press today, HSPU or HRPU are the only options**

Score is total reps performed + total time to complete.