Tuesday, July 13th

Strength: 3 sets of 8, 1 back rack barbell lunge right leg, 1 back rack barbell lunge left leg, 1 back squat (1 rep)

Strength – we’re going to perform these as heavy as possible with good control on the lunges. One rep is a forward lunge right leg, forward lunge left leg, back squat. This will target every part of the leg, as well as strengthen some of the stability muscles by switching movements constantly.

Conditioning: DT: 5 RFT 12 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs 9 Hang Power Cleans, 155/105 lbs 6 Push Jerks, 155/105 lbs **Note, yesterday we went worked on technique with moderate weight on the jerks. Use today to reinforce those mechanics under duress mid-wod**