Friday, May 21st
Weightlifting: 2×8 Behind the neck Snatch Grip Push Press, 2×5 Behind the neck Snatch Grip Push Jerk, 2×3 Snatch Balance. *6 working sets of snatch strenght, weight should go up between PP/PJ/Balance. We will be using our hips to initiate the bar movement, and then getting progressively lower in the catch.*
Conditioning: Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of: 4 Dumbbell men Maker, 50/35 lbs 8 Double Dumbbell Front Rack Forward Lunges, 50/35 lbs 12 Box Jumps, 30/24 in *
A DB Man maker is one push up on DBs, one plank row right arm, one plank row left arm, one squat clean into thruster (1 rep) This is heavier than normal so make sure they can demonstrate control first.
Don’t let the leg fatigue sneak up on you with the box jump