Friday April 10th, 2020

Quarantine WOD

Part I

1 1/4 Front Squats 4×5

** No BB – Sub 1 1/4 Goblet Squats but increase rep scheme to 10-12

Strict Press > Push Press 3x 6/6 (perform 6 strict press into 6 push press), rest 60-90s.

Part II


12 Alt KB Snatch 53/35 (Sub 95/65 P. Snatch)

10 Strict Burpees* (see notes)

20 Box Step Ups ** (see notes)

30 DUs or 100m run

* Each burpee must come to a proper push up start position (no floppies) and perform two proper push ups every burpees.  For those without good push ups, complete one ~3 sec negative push up on each burpee

**No box? perform step ups on 1-2 steps if available.  On each rep do a partial lunge to get full depth and drive up.  No steps?  Perform a forward lunge then drive up and lift your opposite leg up to a 90 degree angle (think Jane Fonda)


3×10 BB Rollouts, sub out 3x30s elongated planks (forearms out as far as possible in front while maintaining proper plank position.