Thursday April 9th, 2020

Quarantine WOD

Part I

Olympic Cycling- Complete 5 complexes of: 2 high hang power clean +3 hang power clean + 4 power clean (all T&G, no reset)

NO BB perform the following instead..

DB Single arm bent over row 3×8-10 reps per side *hold light DB or KB in non working arm in full contraction of row throughout each set. Rest 45 s between arms, 2 minute between sets

Part II


DB Thrusters 35/20 (Sub BB thrusters at 75/55, keep these light and quick, try to go unbroken)

Hang DB Power Clean 35/20 (sub same BB)

Leg Raises w/ hip drive (normal leg raise lying on floor, once legs are straight up drive the hips up to get the lower back off the floor)


3x max effort Hollow Holds