*Schedule Update* Thursday, November 16th

*Schedule Update*
Hey guys! I wanted to give you all an update on where things stand with the current schedule so everyone knows what is going on. As you may or may not know, over the summer we had to make the tough decision of shifting our class start times by 30 minutes. This decision was honestly not something that we wanted to do at all. Unfortunately, our neighbors made numerous noise complaints against us to our landlords during our early evening class times. After numerous complaints had been put through, our landlords began to threaten us with eviction notices. Under the pressure of being kicked out and having no gym at all, we came to a compromise with our landlords/neighbors that we would not begin classes until 4pm as to avoid our neighbors business hours so the noise complaints would be put to an end.
The recent update we have received gives us a glimmer of hope that our neighbors may be leaving soon. I know some people were hoping the schedule would be switched back to our :30 start time but unfortunately, unless these neighbors leave, we have been told by our landlords that we are not allowed to change our schedule back.
We are truly sorry for any inconvenience this schedule change has caused for our members and we hope you guys will remain flexible with us as we continue to deal with this issue from our neighbors/ landlord. If anything changes in regards to the schedule, we will update you all immediately.
100 Double-Unders
Max Unbroken Power Snatch (75/55)