Tuesday, October 31st

Happy Halloween Everyone!
*be sure to come dressed up in your costumes today!
*class times will be the 6 am, 930 am, 4 pm, and 5 pm. There will be no 6pm or 7pm coached class. However, Sara will be coming in at 6pm to do the WOD in her costume and she extends the invite from 6pm to 8pm if you want to workout with her if you don’t make the 4 or 5!!
For today:
“Zombies Vs Defenders”
Create teams of 4. Half of the team does the Zombie WOD, the other half does the Defender WOD, then they switch. At the conclusion, all 4 team members should have done both WODS. Both WODS are done for time, and then added together. Shortest time wins. All exercises in both WODS are done with one partner working as long as they can, while the other rests, in succession, until they get each task accomplished.
“Walk Like the Dead”: 30 wall walks
“Grave Busters” : 60 burpees
“Brain Toss” : 60 Wall Ball (20/14 lbs)
“Blood on the Bar” : 60 Pull ups
“Haul Off the Dead” : 200 M Partner Carry (Switch off)
“Suppressing Fire” : 200 Double Unders
“Jump High or Die” : 100 Box Jumps (24/20″)
“Skull Crushers” : 60 Deadlifts (185/135 lbs)