Events at CFW
There are a lot of events coming up at CFW that you should be aware of. First, Memorial Day Murph is our annual HERO workout done on Memorial Day. Murph will start at 9am and have heats starting every 15 minutes. Heats and shirt sign-ups are on the white board. Second, June 10th is our fundraiser in support of K9 Vests for our pups in blue. We are going to raise enough money to buy at least 3 bullet proof and stab proof vests for K9’s in need of them. The link to donate is below. THE BEST way to get a shirt is to order through the sign-up sheet at the gym. There is a way to order shirts via eventbrite but that is more for people not a part of the gym. 100% of proceeds from donations and shirts go towards these vests.
Lastly, on July 22nd we will be holding another fundraiser and competition called The Guardian Games. This will be a competition style day much like the open. More on the Guardian Games to come
Take part.
Form a team or get a partner to participate.
Don’t be intimidated by “competition” it’s not cut throat and we aren’t here to make people feel out of place so, please consider coming out.
Have fun
Back Squat
6×3 @85% 1Rm
4 rounds
Run 400
30 Wall Balls