Friday, April 21st
Memorial Day Murph is coming up on May 29th. That’s a Monday. Murph is a CrossFit tradition done on this day to honor Fallen Navy SEAL Michael Murphy. We will kick off this years MDM at 9am. Murph can be done solo with a vest as RX’d, solo RX’d, scaled, half Murph, half Murph with a partner, full Murph with a partner, it doesn’t matter. We are here to honor our fallen heros so, however you would like to do that is up to you. Showing up and hanging out is also considered support as well. This event is usually a pretty good one for us so please come out and workout with us or support in any way. Friends and family are welcome!
Heats and sign-ups for the shirt are on the whiteboard.
Deadlift 6×3@80% 1RM
AMRAP in 12mins
Run 200m
10 Squat Clean Thrusters (95,65)
8 Burpees