Inclement Weather

Inclement weather is approaching not only tomorrow but for what will seem then next 6 month. We used to go off of the school closings but sometimes the schools close and there isn’t anything on the roads at all. So, with that said yes it will be a little subjective but, if the coach can’t get there then there won’t be class. This will more than likely only happen in the mornings 6am and/or 9:30. I’ve already advised each coach that if it’s not safe to drive then the can cancel the opening class or the closing class if it gets bad in the evenings. Now, with that said, if they do cancel class it will be on facebook FIRST. Not everyone checks the blog and it’s way easier to post on the Facebook page then it is on the blog so check there first. If there isn’t a post there then the coach is probably a little late because of the weather but on the way. Be careful out there!!
Partner WOD
50 Alt Box Jumps (24,20)
25 Unison Burpees
50 KB Swings (25 reps each)(53,40)
25 Medball pass sit-ups (20,14)
50 Burpee over partner *same as burpee over bar except now it’s burpee over partner
50 alternating Power Cleans (135,95)