Wednesday, December 13th

Split or Push Jerk – 15 min cap Accumulate 10 heavy singles (looking to start at 80% and build as technique allows)

Strength – looking to practice a higher weight today for a little bit of volume. We usually see a heavy weightlifting movement in the open, so this is a great time to work on going heavy with proper technique.

AMRAP 12 20 Med Ball Sit Up 20/14 | 14/10 | 10/6 15 DB Push Press 40/25 | 30/15 | 20/10 10 DB Power Clean 40/25 | 30/15 | 20/10 5 Box Jump 30″/24″ | 24″/20″ | Tall Step Ups

Workout – lighter weights today so our goal is to stay unbroken on the DBs