Monday, September 19th

Gymnastics: Bar Muscle Ups – 10 minutes of of skill work or Banded/Jumping Bar Muscle up – 4×5 Bar Muscle Ups – 4×5 *** IMMEDIATELY AFTER) 3 Sets of Max Strict Pull Ups – rest 60s

We’re going to be combining some skill work for those who do not have bar muscle ups with some strength work on our strict pull ups. We’ll run a 15 minute clock in order to get this done. Those scaling to banded pull ups should be shooting for a set up that allows them to get 5-10 reps each set.

Ascending AMRAP 11 1 Dual DB Thruster 50/35 | 35/20 | 25|10 1 TTB | K2E | Knee raises/lying leg raise 1 Shuttle Run 50′ 2/2/2 3/3/3

Workout – Ascending AMRAP with shuttle runs today. If weather permits, set up a 50′ shuttle run outside, or can be the length from benches to rig, with Thrusters and TTB on the perimeter. One shuttle run is down and back (or 100′ total).