Wednesday, July 22nd

Strength: Snatch Work
2×1,1,1 Snatch Pulls at 110%(drop and reset)
then complete 10 power snatch singles at 80% of 1RM (of power),

WOD: Odd Object day
Tabata (4 min, :20 on :10 off)
Even: KB Cross Body Walking Lunge (One farmer cary, one overhead carry)
Odd: Hanging L Sit (Scale to 45 degree hold, hanging knee tucks, or bar hang if necessary)
Rest 2 minutes
Even: Dual KB Front Rack Squats
Odd: Wall facing HS holds (scale to normal HS holds, then L-sit DB holds in overhead press)
Rest 2 minutes
Even: Single arm KB push Press (all one arm, switch on next minute)
Odd: Hollow-to-superman rolls