Wednesday, September 27th

We will be setting up a donation drive to be sent to Puerto Rico. This is a coordinated effort with United for Puerto Rico -DC-MD-VA and Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration. All donations will be sent to a central location in DC on Friday and shipped. We are ONLY collecting essential supplies. Please use the following list as a guide:
Bottled Water
Baby Wipes
Diapers (any size)
Hand Sanitizer
Canned and Dry Foods of all kind
Baby Formula and Food
Garbage Bags
Canned Milk
Baby and Adult Pain relief medicine
Any over the counter medical supplies and medications
Mosquito repellant
Blankets, sheets, pillows and towels
Laundry Detergent and Dish Soap
Toiletries (soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and toothbrushes)
Personal hygiene products (feminine products)
First Aid Kits
For Animals:
Food and cages/crates
Thank you in advance from CFW and Maria Cuevas-Mehra
3x 12-15 reps bent over barbell row. *medium weight, perfect form.
3×15 Barbell Roll-Backs AHAP
For Time
Box Jumps