Saturday, July 29th

A. Team 60 Clean and Jerks – 10 min time cap
Teams must rotate in the following manner, with one athlete working, and two resting at a time:
Athlete 1 – 10 Reps
Athlete 2 – 10 Reps
Athlete 3 – 8 Reps
Athlete 1 – 8 Reps
Athlete 2 – 6 Reps
Athlete 3 – 6 Reps
Athlete 1 – 4 Reps
Athlete 2 – 4 Reps
Athlete 3 – 2 Reps
Athlete 1 – 2 Reps
L3 Teams- (205, 145lbs)
L2 Teams- (185, 135lbs)
L1 Teams- (165, 115lbs)
Take time to gather weights and set up, then..
B. Chipper town USA/woodbridge
2 Times through the chipper (athlete cannot advance until the station in front is clear)
Run 200m
30 Ring Dips
20 Hang Snatches (95,65)
20 Bar over Burpees
10 Front Squats (155,115)
10 CTB Pull-ups & 10 Hand-Release Push-ups
*thr run is a “station”