Polar Bear Plunge

From Debbie Probst….
Kody, our 16 year old son is special needs (Post Traumatic Disorder) from brain damage suffered as an infant on life support for several months (pneumonia) and unfortunately all through his life due to his small airway/difficulty breathing, long story. Anyway, to honor/make a difference for Special Needs kids/adults, the GBGs are in!!
The Polar Plunge is the coolest thing you’ll do all year!
Three above ground swimming pools will be erected in Nationals Park, and plungers jump in to the water to the cheers of the crowd! More than a thousand plungers will seek the thrills and chills all to benefit the 1,600 athletes of Special Olympics D.C.
Date: February 11, 2017
Time: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Location: Nationals Park
Registration Fee: $10
Fundraising Minimum: $100 to support Special Olympics athletes
You’ll receive an official “I plunged at the Park” t-shirt, and can earn more gifts at higher fundraising levels.
Come out and enjoy a fun afternoon at the ball park. The Plunge Festival features:
- Great music on the plaza
- Parties in the Brewhouse and Centerfield Social to warm up after your cool dip
- Photos with the ‘Presidents’
- Chance to hit in the Nationals batting cage
- Bring your costumes–stand out plungers will get their 15 seconds of fame on the jumbotron screen above the field!
Each participant raises a minimum of $100 to plunge which allows Special Olympics D.C. continue to provide year-round sports, health, and inclusion programs which are essential in helping children and adults with intellectual disabilities lead healthier lives and develop valuable skills.
- $100sends one athlete to the Summer Games
- $250provides one adaptive bowling ramp
- $500uniforms one basketball team
- $750pays for medical exams for 15 athletes to qualify to participate
- $1,000reserves gym time for basketball training
Registration Options:
- Polar Plunger– Plunge into the pools on the plaza and enjoy the party
- Cool Schools Plunger– High School and College plungers compete to bring home the trophy of “D.C’s Coolest School” to campus
- SO Athlete Plunger– Raise funds so that an athlete can plunge, or come and take the plunge with him or her. You’ll give a memorable experience.
- Power Plunger– Raise $1000 to plunge on Nationals field where you’ve watched your favorite players, and have the moment viewed live on the Jumbotron screen
- Too Chicken to Plunge? Donate $100 or more and come out to watch others take the plunge, or stay warm and toasty at home. Either way, our Special Olympics athletes benefit.
Flip Flop:
KBS (53, 35)
Box Jumps
8 minutes to find 1RM split jerk from Rack
*No rest between movements. Have your racks set up before the start of METCON