Monday, January 20

930 class only today!!
Strict press – 2×5 at 100% of 5rm, 2×5 at 80% of 5rm
Alternating Amrap 16
Minute 1: 15 Bent over barbell row, minute 2: 15 bar facing burpee, minute 3 15 barbell strict press, minute 4 15/12 cal row
930 class only today!!
Strict press – 2×5 at 100% of 5rm, 2×5 at 80% of 5rm
Alternating Amrap 16
Minute 1: 15 Bent over barbell row, minute 2: 15 bar facing burpee, minute 3 15 barbell strict press, minute 4 15/12 cal row