Saturday, December 28th

New Years Eve WOD: “12/31”
30 Min Cap, teams of 2
31 Push Press 115/85 | 95/65 | 75/55
31 Chest-To-Bar PU | PU | Assisted or ring row
31 Snatches 115/85 | 95/65 | 75/55
31 Med Ball Cleans 20/14 | 14/10 | 10/6
31 TTB | K2E | Knee Raise
31 HSPU | Pike Push Ups | Hand Release Push Ups
31 Box Jumps 30″/24″ | 24″/20″ | Step Ups
31 Front Squats 115/85 | 95/65 | 75/55
31 Burpees
31 Thrusters 115/85 | 95/65 | 75/55
31 Med Ball OH Lunges 20/14 | 14/10 | 10/6
Cash out: 2025m Row (split however)
Lots of movements today, so we’ll spend ~20 minutes warming up by going through these movements unweighted. We’ll have to move quickly throughout the workout if we want to finish the cash out.