Monday, December 23rd

Strict Press Waves: 3 sets
5/3/1 at 65%/75%/85% of 5RM
5/3/1 at 75%/85%/95% of 5RM
5/3/1 at 85%/95%/105% of 5RM
Strict Press – waves will be done in as little rest as possible, meaning the first wave I should perform my 5 reps, add weight and immediately perform 3 reps, add weight and immediately do my last rep. Then take 2+ minutes of rest before next wave.
Muscular Fatigue – Upper body
Ascending AMRAP 12
2 Strict HSPU | 1-2 mats | Pike Push Ups
2 Strict Ring Dip | Assisted | Bench dips
2 Push Ups | Knee Push Ups
4,4,4 / 6,6,6 / ect
100m run after each round*
Continuing with the pressing focus we have a muscular fatigue workout. Use the 100m run after each round to shake out your arms and get ready for the next round.