Tuesday, December 10th

Ring MU – Spend ~ 10 minutes working on kipping dips then ~ 10 minutes to accumulate 15 ring pull ups or strict ring rows and 25 dips (kipping/strict) Ring MU – perform one set for max reps, then 4 sets for half of that number.

AMRAP 12 3 MU (Ring or Bar) | 6 C2B Pull Up | Assisted PU or ring row 6 Snatch 135/95 | 115/85 | 95/65 9 Box Jump Over 30″/24″ | 24″/20″ | Step Overs

Workout – for the MU, lets try and use our progressions that we learned in the skill (i.e. 3 progression attempts count as 3 MU). Snatches should be a weight that we can power, but for those wanting an added challenge feel free to make these a squat snatch.