Wednesday, November 6th

Cardio Lifting For Time Row 500m, 15 Clean and Jerks 135/95 | 115/85 | 95/65, Bike 1200m Row 400m, 12 Clean and Jerks 135/95 | 115/85 | 95/65, Bike 900m Row 300m, 9 Clean and Jerks 135/95 | 115/85 | 95/65, Bike 600m Row 200m, 6 Clean and Jerks 135/95 | 115/85 | 95/65, Bike 300m Row 100m, 3 Clean and Jerks 135/95 | 115/85 | 95/65, Bike 150m
Squishing in some lifting in between our cardio pieces, so set a steady pace that will allow you to be consistent on the barbell.