Monday, October 21st
4 Sets: 50′ Dual DB Walking Lunge (any carry) 10′ Dual DB Romanian Deadlifts Rest 2 minutes.
Strength: We’ll be lightning up all the major parts of our legs with this superset. Lets pick a weight we can do 50′ unbroken on the lunges, then quickly shake out the grip and then perform our 10 RDLs with emphasis on hamstrings.
AMRAP 14 25 Overhead Squats 75/55 | 45/35 | Front Squat 25 Ab-mat sit ups 25 Box Jumps 24/20 | 20″/16″ | Step Ups 25/20 Cal row
Workout – legs should be primed for our OH squats so we can roll right into this workout. Lighter weight, so no more than 2 sets on the squats.