Wednesday. September 18th

Snatch Technique Work – 15 minutes

Weightlifting: We are not prescribing any sets today, but we want to spend 15 minutes drilling down technique here. Weight should stay moderate to allow coaches to breakdown the movement segments with each athlete.

AMRAP 5: 6 HSPU | 1-2 mats | Z Press 6 Burpees 9 Snatches 115/85 | 95/65 | 75/55 Rest 60s AMRAP 5: 6 HSPU | 1-2 mats | Z press 6 Burpees 6 Snatches 135/95 | 115/85 | 95/65 Rest 60s AMRAP 5: 6 HSPU | 1-2 mats | Z Press 6 Burpees 3 Snatches 155/105 | 135/95 | 115/85

Conditioning: 3 AMRAPs with an increasing weight/decreasing rep scheme on the snatches. Our goal should be slow and smooth for the HSPU/Burpees to allow the focus to be on the snatch portion. Rest is only long enough for weight changes. Scaling the HSPU to z-press today, and for the snatch, we want to pick 3 weights. First weight should be able to be done unbroken or two sets max, second weight should be something we can do quick singles for (6 reps in under 30 seconds), and final weight should be something that will challenge us, but can be done in a power snatch.