Tuesday, August 20th

Close Grip Bench Press 4×6-8
Close Grip Bench – Our pressing strength will switch largely to triceps with this movement, which will help our aggressive lockout on all overhead movements (mainly our jerks). Our grip should be somewhere inside our shoulders to reach this stimulus.
Ascending AMRAP 15 3 Deadlifts 275/185 100m run 6 Deadlifts 200m run 9 Deadlifts 300m run 12 Deadlifts 400m run ect, adding 3 DL and 100m.
Workout – the main focus will be the deadlifts today, but lets try to set a pace on the run thats slightly faster than we normally do as we will have some down time when the larger sets of deadlifts require more breaks. For the 100m run we will use the parking lot entrance as the turnaround, and the 300m we will use the corner stop sign as the turnaround. Anything after 400 we will come back and repeat (i.e. a 600m run will be a 400m + 200m) The weight for today should be something that we can complete triples on the deadlifts for the first round or two.