Thursday, August 8th

Running WOD #5 8x100m sprints Rest is the time it takes to walk back to the start ***Ideally done starting at the 200m line on the sidewalk and finishing at the 400m line in order to prevent sprinting across the parking lot***
WOD: Short sprints today to really work on those fast twitch fibers.
Back Squats: 21 Reps at 65% 15 Reps at 75% 9 Reps at 80-85% **Done after WOD**
Strength – squats done after the sprints. The reps are not designed to be done unbroken, rather you will complete your prescribed reps as quickly as possible. You can go for 2 big sets with a longer rest, or 3-4 smaller sets with quicker rests, your choice!