Sunday, August 4th

Hero WOD: “Jorge” For Time: 30 GHD Sit Ups (Scale weighted Sit Ups w/ med ball 20/14 15 Squat Cleans 155/105 24 GHD Sit Ups 12 Squat Cleans 18 GHD Sit Ups 9 Squat Cleans 12 GHD Sit Ups 6 Squat Cleans 6 GHD Sit Ups 3 Squat Cleans

U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Fernando Jorge, 39, of Cypress, CA, an Aviation Survival Technician Chief, died on February 28, 2012, when his unit’s helicopter crashed into Mobile Bay in the Gulf of Mexico during a training mission. He is survived by his sister Gina.

The “Jorge” Hero WOD was first posted on the CrossFit Main Site as the workout of the day for Sunday, April 7, 2013 (130407).