Sunday, July 21st
Hero WOD: “Charleston 9″ 9 Rounds for Time 9 Cleans 95/65 9 Burpees 9 Pull Ups 9 Wall Balls 20/14 9 Sit Ups 9 Shoulder-to-Overhead 95/65 9 Box Jumps 24″/20” 9 Push Ups 9 Air Squats
Background: This workout is dedicated to the 9 firefighters of the Charleston Fire Department who died during the Sofa Superstore Fire which occurred on June 18, 2007, in Charleston, South Carolina, USA. The fallen are Captain Louis Mulkey (E15), Captain Mike Benke (E16), Captain Billy Hutchinson (E19), Engineer Brad Baity (E19), Engineer Mark Kelsey (T5), Assistant Engineer Michael French (T5), Firefighter Brandon Thompson (T5), Firefighter James “Earl” Drayton (E19), Firefighter Melvin Champaign (E16).