Saturday, July 20th

In Teams of two Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes (3 Rounds of Each) Partner A – Minute 0: 1000m/850 row (or 2000m/1700m Bike) Partner B – Minute 5: 8 Wall Walks/As high as possible/Box Walk + Max Rep Wall Balls 20/14 | 14/10 | 10/ ***Score is total wall balls across all 3 sets for both partners. Partner doing the wall walks/wall balls must stop and rest the remainder upon Partner A finishing their Row/Bike

Workout – one partner will Row/Bike the prescribed distance (should take ~4 minutes, scale accordingly the distance to reach this time domain) while the other partner knocks out their wall walks and then as many wall balls as possible until the first partner finishes their cardio. Rest the remainder of the 5 minutes and then switch. Each partner will complete each section 3 times.