Friday, July 19th

HSPU Strength 4 Rounds 5 HSPU 10 Front DB Flies Rest 2 min *See notes*
HSPU work – we want to find the hardest variation for 5 HSPU (strict or kipping) here, so if proficient try creating a deficit with plates or paralette bars. If scaling and normally using mats, lets take the mats away and perform 5 reps with a slow negative, rolling out each time instead of pressing up. If no HSPU, try 30s HS hold on wall if comfortable kicking up, and if not 5 heavy z-press.
For Time (15 min cap) 400m run 40 Deadlifts 185/135 | 135/95 | 95/65 40/32 Cal Assault Bike 40 Dual DB Box Step Overs 35/20 | 25/15 | 20/10 400m Run
Workout – we are looking to complete each section of this in 4 minutes or less. Large classes can swap where the bike is for one of the runs (classes 7-12 people, half can start on bike, then deadlift, then run, then step overs, then run again. 13-18 people, 6 can finish on the bike and run first and middle)